Undated Academic Planner
Undated Academic Planner
Keep track of assignments, required readings, references, as well as goals and habits with this undated academic planner. Draft projects and essays with the planning pages when you need to breakdown a more complex idea. This planner also serves as a digital notebook with six different notepaper types and eight subject dividers.
Flexible planning
Plans changed? Easily copy, paste, and move your notes from one page to another.
At your Fingertips
Sync the planner across multiple devices so you always have access to your plans and notes.
Fill out your way
Handwrite in notes with a stylus or use the on-screen keyboard to add in typed text.

Planner Contents
• Cover (plus 7 additional cover colors)
• User Guide
• Hyperlinked Index
• 12 Monthly Calendars
• Weekly Layouts
• Daily Planner Spreads (semi-dated)
• 8 Subject Dividers
• 6 Notepaper Styles (Lined, Graph, Dot, Half lined-Half blank, Journal, and Blank)
• Digital Stickers (in Gray, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, and Pink)
Academic Pages:
• 3 Semester Overviews
• 24 Class Overviews
• Assignment Tracker
• Assigned Reading Tracker
• Project Planner
• Essay Planner
• References Tracker
• Reading Notes
• Mind-Map/Brainstorming Page
• Meeting Notes
Personal Pages:
• Quarterly Overview
• Monthly Overview
• Monthly Finances
• Weekly Schedule Planner
• Weekly Check-in
• Routine Planner
• Goal Planner
• Habit Tracker
• Meals & Grocery List
• Workout Log
• Master List
• Brain Dump
Included Files
After checkout, you will be redirected to a page where you can download your files. You will also be sent an email with your purchased files (note: access to these files will be removed after 24 hours.)
You will receive 1 ZIP file containing:
- 2 x Undated Planner PDFs (Monday & Sunday Start options)
- 1 x PDF (All 8 covers colors)
- 1 x GoodNotes file (Sticker book with cropped and preinstalled stickers)
- 6 x PNGs (full sticker sheets for cropping in other note apps)
- 312 x PNGs (individual stickers for apps like Notability and Xodo)
To Use
iPad & Mac
This planner is designed to work best on the iPad and can be used on all versions and sizes. To use the planner on an iPad, you will also need an accompanying note app such as GoodNotes (recommended), Noteshelf, Notability, and Xodo.
The planner can also be used on an iMac or MacBook with the GoodNotes and Noteshelf apps' desktop version.
This planner can be used with most Android tablets. However, since there is such a large variety of tablets, we cannot guarantee that the planner will work on all Android devices. If your device supports the Noteshelf or Xodo app, you should be able to use the planner template as well.
Have a question about using the planner? Check out our Answer Vault where we answer our most frequently asked questions.
Return Policy
Please note that this is a digital product and no physical product will be shipped. Also, due to the irretrievable nature of digital files, all sales are final. Please review the listing thoroughly before purchase. Not sure if the product will work for you? Feel free to send any questions to hello@thedashplanner.com
All designs, photography, and content are the property of ©Dash Design, LLC.
For personal use only. These files may not be resold, recreated, redistributed, or reproduced.